Case Study Details

Route Optimisation App


Development of an integrated app for efficient route optimisation and scheduling for delivery and mobile services.


Our solution was co-design with the owners of two Australian small businesses - a food delivery service and a mobile physiotherapy practice. Kuaba managed the overall design consultation, development and stakeholder engagement during the creation of the web application.

The platform utilised Google Maps and a genetic algorithm in an intuitive interface for businesses to input details of client and worker availability, delivery/consultation locations and constraints to create an optimum driver schedule.

The solution was specialised for individual clients, integrated with webiste information to provide order details for the delivery company, and consider specific service requests for the physiotherapy company.


  • Drastically reduced time spent manually scheduling routes
  • Optimised delivery schedules providing increased driver/theraptist capacity and reduced operating costs

The app works really well and we greatly appreciate the work that you have done around scheduling.

Project information

  • Sector Private
  • Clients Delivery & Telehealth
  • Technical Expertise
    • App Development
    • Evolutionary Algorithms
    • UI/UX
    • APIs